About Who I am


Who am I? It should be such a easy question to answer but it always leaves me stumped. Humans are so much more complex than a simple question with a simple answer. I can be many different things in one day let alone in one year. An entire lifetime? I have been: child, student, teenager, parent, adult, friend, lover, partner, fiance, bookkeeper, lead huntsmen, dog washer, office manager, business owner. They are all titles, but do they really explain who I am? or are they just roles that I have found myself partaking in on this journey we call life.


Lost, found, seeker, leader, carer, heart breaker,

Mother, teacher, haven home maker

Daughter, sister, I have been young and I have felt old

I have been shy and outrageously bold


I have been single, a couple, engaged, then single againIMG_20150618_001923[1]

I have been in love and loved

and I have been alone

I love to read, sing and dance

hamiltontimesI want to learn to paint and draw

   I love horses, crystals and searching for rocks

The beach in the rain & the wind

I love swimming and playing pianoesentialbaby

Baby’s  and little people are favorites of mine

They are so present, living in the moment and they still find joy in every single thing

Why am I here? I have lots of things I want to say, I like the opportunity to express myself after so many years. I like the creativity blogging awakens in me. I enjoy reading other people’s special online places and connecting with others from all over the world. I am still finding my writing voice and I guess part of that is finding the courage to use my voice and to write without sensor. I am excited to see where all of this takes me. Lisa 


14 thoughts on “About Who I am

  1. Came here as a direct result of your recent decision to follow Learning from Dogs.

    Firstly, a very big thank you for that. Secondly, just adore what you have written above. Talk about serendipity! For Jean, my wife, and I have just finished our snack lunch (it’s 12:45 here in Oregon) and were philosophising about our very different backgrounds, not just with our immediate selves, but our different family backgrounds stretching back several generations. Us agreeing that, at times, it is almost impossible truly to comprehend another person if that person’s life journey has been so different to ours.

    Then came back to my desk and saw your ‘follow’ that then brought me to this page. Just love it!

    For if we can’t reveal and share a little of our inner self, then how can we possibly take another’s inner self into our own heart.

    If at any time you would like to write a guest post for Learning from Dogs, I know my readers would adore it!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Splendid! The contact details are on the home page of my blog. Essentially, just attach your essay to an email sent to my full name at gmail. (The blog email address routes to my personal email address.) A brief bio would help me introduce you for your guest post. Looking forward to reading your post.


  2. Mz. Sunshine I must say I had the same difficulty when I was doing my about page… “a simple question yet so complex”. I like your who I am page a whole lot… you did it so well.. I applaud you! I look forward to reading more from you. I like your theme too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A really interesting page: poetic and personal. The pictures are super. I especially like the last one of the beach. Well done. I have just one thought: I’m usually not comfortable addressing people I don’t yet know by their blog name, so what do I call you? Did I miss that on your about me page?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Carolyn, You are so right- my name is Lisa, Thanks for your comments. I took the beach photos myself, it was one of those powerful beach days where every second was a picture and I did not even need a flash camera, just used my $30 phone.


    1. Hi lilypup. I spent quite a lot of time over at your place last night and really enjoyed your direct approach. Your writing makes me feel like we are friends, sharing a pot of tea and discussing life. Thank you for stopping by and for your great feedback


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